Jivamukti - zajęcia gościnne 22.06 i 23.06

Przy okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Jogi korzystamy z naszych międzynarodowych kontaktów.
Doug, nauczyciel z Australii poprowadzi u nas gościnne zajęcia Jivamukti. Sobota 22.06 godz.9.30 oraz Niedziela 23.06 godz.10.30.

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Serdecznie zapraszamy!


Doug started teaching yoga at 18, first to his friends and then his mum and her friends and then sought out friends who were interested in teaching and practicing yoga too. From teaching in living rooms, kitchens, parks and gyms, there is no better place for like-minded people to come together than a yoga school.
After having the good fortune of working in yoga schools first as a cleaner, then receptionist and manager, through dedication, consistency and a sincere belief in the principles and practices of yoga, Doug now owns Krama Yoga (formerly Jivamukti Yoga Sydney) where he teaches regularly to friends and an extended yoga family.
Doug is forever grateful for the opportunities that have come his way, for the challenges and treasures of life’s journey and the global Jivamukti Yoga community.
He especially thanks Sharon, David, Jules, Yogeswari and Moritz for their inspiration, friendship, vision, dedication and ability to make the teachings of yoga relevant and interesting to daily life.